Maharashtra State Committee of All India Lawyers Union 3rd Statewide Convention concluded



    Mumbai- AILU’s third state conference of All India Lawyers Union concluded in Mumbai. The communalist ideology is flourishing rapidly in the country and is being fueled by Sangh and reactionary forces. This has threatened democracy. India has adopted the largest written constitution in the world. Which is based on democracy , socialism , equality , secularism , equal justice values. Such inclusive tolerant democratic Indian constitution and changing language of Indian laws is being done by the rulers. This is very dangerous and a sign of breaking the unity of the country. Therefore, we lawyers are an integral part of democracy, fighting for justice as well as justice. It is our job to strengthen the foundation of this country’s democracy. Be alert for that ‘ – this is the fundamental guidance of the senior expert of the Supreme Court and National General Secretary Adv. P.V. Surendranath at the inauguration of the 3rd Conference of Maharashtra State Committee. In this session, Adv. Babasaheb Wavalkar was re-elected as the State President and Adv. Chandrakant Bojgar as the State Secretary.


    Adv. Chandrakat Bojgar, Maharashtra State Secretary of All India Lawyers Union presented the minutes of the triennial agenda. This triennial report presents a detailed report on the background of the convention , review of the work of advocates in the state , action programs and agitations , review of district wise work , organizational overview and further challenges and work. 12 delegates discussed this report . In it, he presented important suggestions in terms of problems and reforms in lawyers and judiciary.


    Adv. Pradeep Salvi , Adv. Babasaheb Wavalkar and Adv. Chandrakant Bojgar saw the work of the Presidential Board . 5 important resolutions were presented in this session . The Kerala State Government and the Kerala Bar Council are offering a monthly stipend of ₹5000 to junior lawyers below 30 years of age , with less than three years of experience and with an annual income of less than ₹1 lakh. Similarly, one of the important resolutions was that the junior lawyers of Maharashtra should also be given financial assistance in the form of stipend for a few years.


    The Rajasthan Legislative Assembly has passed the Rajasthan Advocates Protection Bill , 2023 for advocates who are victims of violence , intimidation , harassment and ill-will in the course of professional duties . He was welcomed by this convention. On this basis, Adv. Mohan Kurapati proposed the resolution that the Maharashtra government should also implement the Advocates Protection Act 2023 in the state. Which was approved by Adv. Anil Wasam . On behalf of the Board of Directors Adv. Chandrakant Bojgar proposed a resolution to stop Israel’s Gaza war and liberate Palestine.


    Since filing a case in the Supreme Court in Delhi is unaffordable to the common man in terms of distance , cost and time, thousands of people do not appeal to the Supreme Court and are thus deprived of justice. Therefore, it is necessary to have Supreme Court benches in different states of the country. This resolution was passed in connection with all the lawyers coming together to fight for the establishment of a bench of the Supreme Court at Mumbai , Maharashtra for speedy , cheap and effective justice.


    The judicial premises of the court lacks administrative offices , mediation centre , adequate parking space , canteen and air-conditioned non- drinking water , adequate toilets for male and female , third-class and disabled persons , spinning room. Shortage of judges and staff affects court work and speed. Due to weak budgetary allocation , shortage of funds , underutilization of funds and no one willing to take responsibility, there is a huge infrastructural gap and lack of essential facilities in the judiciary. There is no planning for promoting judicial infrastructure and utilization of money. In order to give priority to the problems of infrastructural facilities, the resolution to increase the basic facilities of advocates in the courts is Adv . Presented by Vishal Jadhav.


    The Secretary replied to the representative session where the report was discussed. After this, the secretary’s report on the triennial agenda was unanimously approved. Also, the organization announced to pursue further so that the work of the High Court should be conducted in English as well as in Marathi. A new state committee office bearer and executive board of 21 members were elected for the next three years . Adv. Babasaheb Wavalkar as President of Maharashtra State , Vice President Adv. Adinath Tiwari , General Secretary Adv.Chandrakant Bojgar , Joint Secretary Adv.Pradeep Salvi and Treasurer Adv.Viswas Dikchi were elected as well as Adv.Kishor Samant , Adv.Vishal Jadhav , Adv.Suresh Waghchavare , Adv.Ravindra Shirasat , Adv.Ravindra Bhawar , Adv. Sanjay Pandey , Adv. Anil Wasam , Adv. Sandhya Patil , Adv. By Swar Shekhar was selected . Later, 5 delegates were selected for the national convention to be held in Kolkata on 28, 29, 30 December. The session was concluded by Anil Chauhan, senior expert of the Delhi High Court, National Vice President of the Bar Association.